Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Singing Time

I was fortunate enough this last visit home to be a part of Tasha and Beth's ukulele time.

heck yes!

So Tasha picked out "White Winter Hymnal," a really cool song by the Fleet Foxes (who she introduced me to, btw). Pretty incredible trio, so we decided to put it to the ukulele!

I would like to dedicate the "oohs" in this song to Mr. Jordan. Thank you, high school choir. 

At the beginning of the week I made Tasha and Beth listen to one of my new favorite songs: "Somebody I Used to Know" by Gotye (please don't ask me to pronounce it. I have no idea. I should look it up, but I'm too lazy for that). Awesome song, right? Unfortunately none of us knew it very well, so it was definitely a work in progress. It was still a work in progress when we recorded it, but I was leaving the next day, so it just had to get done.

disclaimer:   I do not, nor  have I ever, claim to be a solo singer. I am  better at and feel more comfortable in groups. I do much better in "White Winter Hymnal" than I do in this one. So no judging, please. We sing for pleasure and fun and general togetherness, not to show off. :)

I was having some serious issues getting my part right. :P  But this was  the best we could come up with, lol.


I am posting this one just to prove that I can sing my two verses, lol. I don't claim to be the best singer, but I can come in on time, I promise. 

I can't even tell you how many times we recorded these two songs. It was great. And hilarious. And more great. 

We're already planning for next time Sheena is with us.

If you're interested in the originals, here they are:

I love my sisters. I love how we spend our time together. We're so much fun!

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