Friday, February 4, 2011

Ipso Facto: Something to Blog About

For my world religion class we get to do a personal project on any world religion we choose--or many, if we choose. It was very broad. I had no idea what I wanted to do. I had heard of a book called The Tao of Pooh (I heard it explains Taosim through the characters of Winnie the Pooh) from my geography class that I was interested in reading, so I said I would do that. wasn't something that I was overly excited about. So I'd been milling things over in my head...different ideas...and had nothing. But then in class the other day when we were talking about Buddhism Brother Kinghorn said something really interesting about the Eightfold Middle Path. He noted that we can become better disciples of Christ through folllowing the Middle Path. And so I thought--hey. Why am I in this class? To find truth, wherever it is, to try to come closer to Christ and be a better person. SoooooooOOOOOoooooo I came up with this brilliant idea, kind of stolen from Julie and Julia. I'm going to blog about what I'm learning! Yay! Scottie and I are going to do some reading and researching about all/most/some (whatever we get to) the religions we talk about in class. Then we'll pick something that we have "holy envy" for in that religion and try to develop it in our lives (e.g. The Eightfold Middle Path) and then report back on how well we do/don't do after a week.

Anyways. So excited to do this! This is something that I think will be a lot of fun for us and won't stress me out too much, since my senior practicum is doing enough of that for me.

p.s. I'm still reading the Pooh book. I checked it out today from the library! I love the library. I also checked out The Te of Piglet by the same author. It's about Chinese virtue. At least, that's what I gathered from the inside jacket, and it was kinda cracking jokes about this, so I can't be sure.


  1. Cooooool! That's muh girl!
    I've taught you well.
    *wipes tear* ;p

  2. Tee! You should do the stuff with me and Scott...for funsies! And prolly because you'd be like, ten times better at it than us, lol.

  3. Of course I will! I would always try to apply what I was learning during class but now that it's done I've started slipping.... so this is perfect! :D
    P.s. You should really read "Joyful Wisdom".
    Life changing.

    Enough said.
