Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I Love...

1. Flushed Away (if you haven't seen it, watch it!! It's what I'm currently watching as I blog/correct/lesson plan)

2. my students (all 27 of them. Two of them are moving in the next couple of weeks, and I'm having a hard time imagining my life without 'em)

3. DiGiorno pizzas

4. Four things that start with "M": Mom, Miles, McKenzie, Muse (new album out in one week!!)

5. the rice bag my mom made for me

6. honey-roasted peanuts

7. a full gas tank

8. going to the temple

9. PicMonkey

10. My life. Things are pretty perfect right now. I'm finally getting paid for doing what I love most (teaching!). It's incredibly time-consuming and definitely stressful (I have their little lives in my hands! Kind of ;), but there is nothing more rewarding. And finally, finally things are working out for Scott. The Lord had a definite plan in mind for him, and I'm grateful we've found that path. Within a matter of a week Scott found out he could take his pre-reqs at BYU-I, applied, got his ecclesiastical endorsements (both in one night), got accepted, made a special request to get into the one (full class) that he needed to, and got in. Besides all those blessings, he has the most wonderful part-time job. He's working at a cabinet company that's being very flexible with his school hours. He also gets free time to work on homework, which is really nice. We are so incredibly blessed. Also, although I'm surrounded by babies and pregnant friends, we are not baby hungry. Thank goodness for my brother- and sister-in-law who have moved back to the area who are willing to share their adorable children with Scott and I. We get all the pleasure of playing with them and being loved by them without having to do any of the parenting (which I get enough of at school). So...I have nothing to complain about. Everything is simply: wonderful.

I'm just feeling really blessed right now. It's so wonderful to have the knowledge of a loving Heavenly Father who has a plan for each of us. We've been searching for His plan for us for a while, so it's nice to know we're making the right decisions and doing what's best for our little family.

w00t for life!


  1. Oh my word. One of the moving children better not be Jose!!!!! My heart would break! :(
    And, I'm sooooo happy for you guys. :)

  2. Aww, I'm glad you guys like their chaos. =)

  3. emily how are you!! I miss you so much, I was thinking about you as I put together my homemade skirt blogpost :) remember, you HAVE to let me know if you guys are ever passing through az. I miss my crafting buddy! I'm so happy everything is working out for you guys.

    The House of Shoes
