Sunday, September 23, 2012


Can you believe I've been in school for a month already??
I can't. I feel like we're still working on getting used to everything. I'm sure it doesn't help that I'm just finally getting all my classroom supplies. On Friday, I got the rest of my books. Huzzah! No more changing around my schedule to borrow books from the other 4th grades. Now I can set up my schedule the way I want to instead of working around the other classes (though I will be forever grateful that they shared). All I need now is my bright link. Woohoo!

If it looks like I have a room full of desks, that's because I do. 

The Fortress of Solitude is where my students pull cards and do Re-Focus sheets. Fortunately, I haven't had to pull a single card or do any Re-Focus sheets. Besides being way too chatty and having a hard time following directions, they're great kids.

 The Bat Cave!

Isn't he handsome?? Forgive me my Avengers t-shirt, Dark Knight.

Scott drew Alfred for me. Isn't he awesome??
I seriously have some of the sweetest kids. This is only one of the many apples I've gotten from my students.

They give me all sorts of treats! I love being spoiled by them. :)  Besides the apples and these pretzals, I've gotten a couple book marks, homemade necklaces, a bag of chocolate covered pretzals, and a cup of jello with fruit. And many, many pictures (a few of which are seen below. The front of my desk is now covered with pictures).

I love Idaho history!

We wrote stories on the first day of school of what we would be like if we were super heroes. They're stories were pretty epic, I'm not going to lie.
Last Friday, we made Idaho cookies. The other two wonderful 4th grade teachers made sugar cookies with an Idaho-shaped cookie cutter. Then the kids used other candies to symbolize the geographic locations of Idaho.
licorice = rivers
blue frosting = lakes
mini chocolate chips = mountain ranges
Rolo = Craters of the Moon
chocolate chip = Mount Borah
They turned out so cute.
And that's how school's going so far.


  1. Emily Renee.
    A. Your classroom is AWESOME!!!!!!!! Seriously. I love it.
    B. Tell Scott I LOVE Alfred!! :D

  2. The super hero stuff is SO COOL!! Those kids are pretty much the luckiest ever and I'm not the tiniest bit surprised that they keep showering you with affection :)
