1. Flushed Away (if you haven't seen it, watch it!! It's what I'm currently watching as I blog/correct/lesson plan)
2. my students (all 27 of them. Two of them are moving in the next couple of weeks, and I'm having a hard time imagining my life without 'em)
3. DiGiorno pizzas
4. Four things that start with "M": Mom, Miles, McKenzie, Muse (new album out in one week!!)
5. the rice bag my mom made for me
6. honey-roasted peanuts
7. a full gas tank
8. going to the temple
9. PicMonkey
10. My life. Things are pretty perfect right now. I'm finally getting paid for doing what I love most (teaching!). It's incredibly time-consuming and definitely stressful (I have their little lives in my hands! Kind of ;), but there is nothing more rewarding. And finally, finally things are working out for Scott. The Lord had a definite plan in mind for him, and I'm grateful we've found that path. Within a matter of a week Scott found out he could take his pre-reqs at BYU-I, applied, got his ecclesiastical endorsements (both in one night), got accepted, made a special request to get into the one (full class) that he needed to, and got in. Besides all those blessings, he has the most wonderful part-time job. He's working at a cabinet company that's being very flexible with his school hours. He also gets free time to work on homework, which is really nice. We are so incredibly blessed. Also, although I'm surrounded by babies and pregnant friends, we are not baby hungry. Thank goodness for my brother- and sister-in-law who have moved back to the area who are willing to share their adorable children with Scott and I. We get all the pleasure of playing with them and being loved by them without having to do any of the parenting (which I get enough of at school). So...I have nothing to complain about. Everything is simply: wonderful.
I'm just feeling really blessed right now. It's so wonderful to have the knowledge of a loving Heavenly Father who has a plan for each of us. We've been searching for His plan for us for a while, so it's nice to know we're making the right decisions and doing what's best for our little family.
w00t for life!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Can you believe I've been in school for a month already??
I can't. I feel like we're still working on getting used to everything. I'm sure it doesn't help that I'm just finally getting all my classroom supplies. On Friday, I got the rest of my books. Huzzah! No more changing around my schedule to borrow books from the other 4th grades. Now I can set up my schedule the way I want to instead of working around the other classes (though I will be forever grateful that they shared). All I need now is my bright link. Woohoo!
If it looks like I have a room full of desks, that's because I do.
The Fortress of Solitude is where my students pull cards and do Re-Focus sheets. Fortunately, I haven't had to pull a single card or do any Re-Focus sheets. Besides being way too chatty and having a hard time following directions, they're great kids.
The Bat Cave!
Isn't he handsome?? Forgive me my Avengers t-shirt, Dark Knight.
Scott drew Alfred for me. Isn't he awesome??
I seriously have some of the sweetest kids. This is only one of the many apples I've gotten from my students.
They give me all sorts of treats! I love being spoiled by them. :) Besides the apples and these pretzals, I've gotten a couple book marks, homemade necklaces, a bag of chocolate covered pretzals, and a cup of jello with fruit. And many, many pictures (a few of which are seen below. The front of my desk is now covered with pictures).
I love Idaho history!
We wrote stories on the first day of school of what we would be like if we were super heroes. They're stories were pretty epic, I'm not going to lie.
Last Friday, we made Idaho cookies. The other two wonderful 4th grade teachers made sugar cookies with an Idaho-shaped cookie cutter. Then the kids used other candies to symbolize the geographic locations of Idaho.
licorice = rivers
blue frosting = lakes
mini chocolate chips = mountain ranges
Rolo = Craters of the Moon
chocolate chip = Mount Borah
They turned out so cute.
And that's how school's going so far.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Week Long Bathroom Job
We bought our beautiful orange home with some major plans for renovation. It's been two years, and we're just getting around to it. It helps that now we both have jobs, though. :)
I haven't' blogged about the family room because it's not quite finished yet. Neither is our bathroom, but we worked on it long and hard and so I need to brag. A little. Even though it's not perfect. It's better than it was before.
Check it. The linoleum was all ripped. It was only...pretty ghetto.
Mom and Dad had some left over linoleum that they graciously donated to us to help our bathroom cause.
We decided to try and get our bathroom done on Labor Day--our day off (and before Scottie starts school again). We thought--oh, it's a small bathroom...it should only take a day, right?
Have you ever ripped up linoleum before?? Because it was the biggest pain in the REAR. We started with the white linoleum thinking that'd be it, right? Hah. Guess again! Turns out there was some seriously old linoleum underneath the white stuff. From like, the 60's. 70's. Ish. So we had to pull all that up too. And the glue. I googled "how to remove linoluem" because I thought I was going to die trying to rip it all up with a razor scraper thing. I got some pretty good ideas, but then I saw that several people warned people in old homes about how they used to use asbestos in the glue to put in linoleum.
I made us stop and go get those masks, just in case. But if I start suffering from lung problems in 15-20 years, I know to blame this bathroom.
Anyways, Scott worked everyday after work getting this bathroom finished. I helped a little here and there (I painted the ceiling...and that's pretty much it), but I always come home exhausted from school, so Scottie had to handle it mostly by himself. And look at how wonderful it turned out!!
So much better, right? It's still not perfect, and we already have things that we'll fix again in the next few months (turns out we totally had no clue what we were doing), but man it's so much better than it was before. I love it. Scottie is pretty wonderful for taking it on.
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