Sunday, April 10, 2011

30 Days of Emily: Le Jour Dix-Sept

Day17 - A Picture of Your Biggest Insecurity

For those of you who remember my first blog post, you'll remember

that I told you about a couple insecurities: bad eyebrows and huge
thighs. Hah. Well. Let me tell you a story.

It was a Wednesday morning a couple of weeks ago. I didn't have
class until 12:45, so Scottie and I were just chillin'. Y'know. I was
doing my thing. I decided (while in the shower) that since it had
been a while since I had shaved my legs, I'd fix that. Everything
went as normal...I got out of the shower and proceeded to do my
makeup, and still, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I still had
time before class so I did some homework. At 11:30, I decided I
should probably finish getting ready for class, so I went back to the
mirror. I nearly pee'd my pants. All I could do was stare. Where had
it gone?? I mean, it was there this morning! I turned to Scott and
asked him if he was seeing (or not seeing) what I was (or wasn't)
Seriously. I...have no idea what happened. To this day, I'm not sure
where that half of my eyebrow went, but it was definitely not
located above my right eye, where it had found its home for 22
years. I freaked out. I couldn't go out in public missing an
eyebrow!! How embarrassing! There's no way I could pencil it in
and hope that nobody would notice--my eyebrows are too light and
all I have are black, brown, and blue eyeliners. None of those could
cover this up. What else is there to do? I can't just hide out 'til it
grows back. So I did what I had to do: I youtube'd "how to cut your
own bangs," took my kitchen shears, and went at it. Yeah, my
bangs don't look very good, but you can't see the missing brow,
either. I felt really emo because I was/am really self-concious about the
whole thing and kept flattening my bangs over my face, making
sure they were covering my eye. No, it wasn't a fashion statement;
it was a coverup. That's what I get, I suppose, for sharing my
insecurity about my eyebrows: I shave one off. Sheena suggested
that maybe I shaved it off in the shower when I was putting my hair
behind my ear. That's the closest explanation I've come to. I mean, I
didn't pluck my eyebrow away that morning. But you'd think I'd
notice getting my razor that close to my face! I mean, right?? Ugh.

Apparently I didn't.

I couldn't have done what this girl did:

 Shaved off both brows and drawn them on and hoped that I could fool people into thinking

they were legit. (ew. sick. no.)

I should have pulled an Amanda Palmer:

 Shaved off both eyebrows and drawn on some rockin' eye-catching brows!

 But I didn't. Instead, the bangs I've been trying to grow back for a year now have been cut (poorly) by yours truly. I'm going to have my mom fix them when she comes to visit this weekend. Thank goodness for
mommies who can fix things!! : )


  1. Obviously we need to have lunch so I can see your new BANGS!

  2. I'm so sorry you lost an eyebrow...but I can't quit laughing!!!! Hopefully it grows back quick!!;)

  3. Emily, I'm sorry to hear about that. Although, I was surprised when I saw you with your bangs! You still look great!
