Thursday, April 14, 2011

30 Days of Emily: Le Jour Dix-Neuf

Day 19: A Pictue of Somewhere You'd LOVE to Travel

...Can I love to travel to more than one place??

Ok though. If I had to pick just ONE place, you all know where I'd go.

The Eiffel Tower

"I will...triumph!!"

Le Musee D'Orsay


Versailles (this is the Queen's bedroom. Yeah, I could handle a room like this.)

Giverny Gardens
Euro Disney

1 comment:

  1. You know what was weird? We saw a ton of Les French at Disney World. I was like, "Yo, Frenchies! Don't you have one-o-thems in your mother land??"
    But yeah- they were everywhere.
