Tuesday, May 27, 2014

(in)Formally Introducing Baby Haderlie

We got a 3D ultra sound today. BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER. Yeah, I kinda wanted to cry the whole time. I just kept thinking, "How is this perfect little guy INSIDE OF ME?!?!" Only 10 weeks lefts and it still feels so surreal. But he is beautiful. So sweet. So beautiful. We debated about getting a 3D ultra sound, because I feel like the babies either look adorable or mushy. But then I remembered that THIS ultra sound would be of MY baby and of course MY baby would NEVER look like mush! Right? :)  Right. And though his nose is pretty mushed in the first picture, I think the rest are seriously adorable. I have so much love for my little man.

He smiled for us almost right away. See? So sweet! And look at those full lips! 

He kept tucking his chin into his chest.

This smile appeared after Scottie laughed. At least SOMEONE will think his dad's jokes are funny. ;)

Sweet profile

He started with a couple of fingers...

And then decided that he must eat ALL THE FINGERS!!


Either I have a deep thinker, or this baby is peacing out with swag.

Scott was like, "Look at his huge cheeks!" I was like, "Have you SEEN my baby pictures??"

Looks like he's napping. Aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww.

Don't you think he's beautiful too? Of course you do. I'm going to be one of THOSE moms, apparently...which is my right as a first time mom, right? Anyways. Love him. So much. Already.

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