Saturday, August 24, 2013


  1. I'm more excited about this school year than I was about last school year. ...waaaaaaaaaaay more excited.  Mayhaps it's because I *sort of* know what I'm doing.
  2. I hate warm milk almost as much as I hate melted ice cream.

  1. I have had one nightmare a week about the first day of school since mid-July. This happened to me last year. I think the most memorable one from this year was when I only had about ten girls in my class, but they were all 6-7 feet tall and wouldn't quit chewing bubble gum or listen or follow any of the rules/procedures.
  2. The reason the previous was an absolute nightmare is because I have absolutely loathed the smell of bubble gum since I was little. It seriously makes me gag. It comes in the bags of candy that I buy for my students, but I refuse to hand that out until the end of the day, when they're on their way out the door.

  1. I still love eating boxed macaroni and cheese. I don't care if I'm an adult. It's yummy and quick.

  1. I am so ridiculously excited to see Muse for a second time!!! Even with the risk of sounding like 7th grader Emily, they are my favorite band ever! :D

  1. I love how much my parents share with me. For instance, I'm typing on this wonderfully fast/high tech laptop from my parents. Scott once mentioned that I must feel like I'm living in my parents' house...they gave us their old couch set, TV, and their piano. Little by little, I'm collecting what I grew up with as my parents update. I love it.
  2. I am also ridiculously excited for Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker to come out on the Wii U! It's one of my top Zelda games and it will be amazing to play in HD. I can't wait for Christmas to get here. :)

  1. We are probably the shame of our neighborhood right now. We have spent three summers trying to bring our lawn back to no avail. We watered, planted more grass seed, watered some more...nothing. I think this goes back to our plant/pet/parent blog, eh? Anyways, so we decided to kill the lawn and start over. So, for most of this summer, we haven't had a lawn--just a few giant dirt patches. Scott and his brothers chopped down four of our trees (I will post pictures someday), so we're working on killing the stumps. Anyways, I totally feel like trailer trash and get embarrassed whenever we have company. However, we have big dreams for our "lawn"! After we rip out the stumps, we'll plant lilac bushes along our fence. Then, because our lawn is so small, we can afford to buy sod. Insta-lawn! We're planning on removing the rocks from around the sides of our house, put in some new dirt, and planting some flowers and other pretty things to liven it up a bit. Hah, neighborhood! Then we'll be living the dream!
  2. I love my husband. So much. He starts his masters program on Monday, and I think I'm more nervous about it than he is. He'll do great, though. Of course. I'm afraid we won't be seeing much of each other for the next three years, and that's kind of a bummer. He's taking night classes, which is super because he can still work, but it sucks because we both have day jobs until 4...then he has class from 6-9, and that's my bedtime. I'm thinking I'll be awfully lonely during the week. But I'm so proud of him! By 2015, he'll have his MAcc (Masters of Accounting), CPA (certified public The Producers! haha), and his MBA (Masters of Business Administration). wOOt!
That's all for now, folks. I've been so slack in blogging...I haven't blogged about Muse (which was in February), my whole summer (Billings, Disneyland, and Seattle), and I've changed a bit in my classroom and want to show that off (I know it's not that cool or special, but I pretty much live there). So...I'm sure I'll be having more free time in the evenings the next few years. I'll blog then. ;)

p.s. Koji Kondo is still alive and kickin'! We got him on Scottie's birthday, so he's almost 5 months old. And he's such a good fish. He never cries or whines, doesn't make that much of a mess, and always eats his food. That's my kind of pet!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Mil. I've missed your blogs.
    (This next part is supposed to make you feel better, so I hope you take it that way ;p) The color of your house always distracts from you lawn, I never even notice it! Pumpkin orange is good for a lot of things! ;D
    I hope the new year goes well for you!
    Aaand tell Scott good luck! Go Bengals! :)
    p.s. MUUUUUUSE!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEE :D
