Sunday, February 5, 2012

Ein Deutsches Abendessen

Raise your hand if you like food! (I am wildly waving both arms [and both legs] way, WAY up in the air.)

Scott kept bringing up the Rotkohl that my mother- and father-in-law had stashed at their house, saying we would gladly help them enjoy it. Then they had this really fabulous idea--let's have a whole German meal!

I was mostly in the way in the kitchen, since I'm not really a German-cooking pro, but I attempted to help out. I also managed to distract Scottie enough to get him to dance with me since we were listening to some polka.

Peeling the apples for Himmel und Erde

Admit it. You're jealous of the mini tarts.

Cutting mushrooms for Jaegerschnitzel

Rotkohl (YUM)

Scott frying up the bacon for the Himmel und Erde

The Schnitzel

The delicious sourdough artisan bread

Here it is, complete (starting at top left going clockwise): Nutella on bread, Jaegerschnitzel, Himmel und Erde, Rotkohl, and some green salad
Dictionary of German terms:

  • Jaegerschnitzel: Jaeger is the sauce on top. It translates to "hunter." It's made up of gravy, onions, and mushrooms. Schnitzel is a cut of meat, and we used lamb. It's also breaded. YUM.
  • Himmel und Erde: Kind of a salad. It translates to "heaven and earth." It's made up of potatoes (earth), bacon, onions, and apples (heaven).YUM.
  • Rotkohl: It means red cabbage. It's made up of red cabbage (sometimes with apple chunks). YUM.
  • Nutella: A staple at the Haderlie household, put on anything from bread to ice cream. It's hazelnut and chocolate, and there's no going wrong with it. EVER. If you've never tried it, go buy some right now. Do it.

Scott is pretty dang excited to eat this meal. I think all of us looked like this. It was so delicious. 

Thanks Mom and Dad Haderlie for feeding us so good! 

Let's do it again. ...soon.


  1. Okay fine, I admit it. I'm jealous of those mini-tarts!

  2. Ohhh my gresh gal. That looked AMAZING.
    Ich bin...jealous.

  3. Yum!!! I'm jealous of the WHOLE meal!!! Nutella is part of our food storage! I might have to go have some right now!
