Monday, February 27, 2012

Sessions and Burgers

A few weeks ago, Brooks and Laurie told us about some food show they watched that featured a burger place in Salt Lake that put pastrami on their burgers. Were Brooks and Scott into that? Oh yeah. So we made plans for President's Day to go down for a session in the Salt Lake Temple and for lunch at Crown Burger.

So fun.

At Crown Burgers. We were going for the temple in the background.

Peacock interior? I'll take it.

It seemed oddly formal for a burger place...

Brooks checking out his Greek salad and burger.

My gyro. SOOOOOO yummy.

Laurie enjoyed some souvlaki.

Scottie and his burger with pastrami. He shared a little. yum.

Scott taste testing the souvlaki

After eating at the restaurant, we went to the mall. We spent most of our time at Barnes and Noble. :)

Scott was intrigued by these puzzles. He's a puzzle guy. :)

Hah. We saw this guy walking around with a green Mickey head. 

This is totally random, but this is chocolate. In the shape of the Big/Little Dipper. On my shirt.
I still have no idea how that happend.
It was a really fun over night trip. The live session was absolutely incredible, and I cannot believe how beautiful the Salt Lake Temple is. I just sat there the whole time thinking, "Yeah, I can see this taking forty years to build." I would highly recommend taking the opportunity to go if you get the chance. I would definitely like to go back. I guess that's one of the blessings of living in Idaho Falls. I have to say, that is one of the neat things being here--the Idaho Falls Temple is also an old one, so it's pretty neat going there too. Can I just say how much I love going? Because I really really love it. It makes me feel really happy. :)

p.s. I fixed the videos on my previous blog so you can watch them now, if you feel so inclined. I felt really silly when Scott went to watch them and couldn't. Also, if you haven't scrolled down to the bottom of my page, do it! I have this really cool owl on a tree limb down there. It's cute. :D

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Singing Time

I was fortunate enough this last visit home to be a part of Tasha and Beth's ukulele time.

heck yes!

So Tasha picked out "White Winter Hymnal," a really cool song by the Fleet Foxes (who she introduced me to, btw). Pretty incredible trio, so we decided to put it to the ukulele!

I would like to dedicate the "oohs" in this song to Mr. Jordan. Thank you, high school choir. 

At the beginning of the week I made Tasha and Beth listen to one of my new favorite songs: "Somebody I Used to Know" by Gotye (please don't ask me to pronounce it. I have no idea. I should look it up, but I'm too lazy for that). Awesome song, right? Unfortunately none of us knew it very well, so it was definitely a work in progress. It was still a work in progress when we recorded it, but I was leaving the next day, so it just had to get done.

disclaimer:   I do not, nor  have I ever, claim to be a solo singer. I am  better at and feel more comfortable in groups. I do much better in "White Winter Hymnal" than I do in this one. So no judging, please. We sing for pleasure and fun and general togetherness, not to show off. :)

I was having some serious issues getting my part right. :P  But this was  the best we could come up with, lol.


I am posting this one just to prove that I can sing my two verses, lol. I don't claim to be the best singer, but I can come in on time, I promise. 

I can't even tell you how many times we recorded these two songs. It was great. And hilarious. And more great. 

We're already planning for next time Sheena is with us.

If you're interested in the originals, here they are:

I love my sisters. I love how we spend our time together. We're so much fun!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fashion Show

This fashion show was particularly enjoyable, as it was my husband doing the showing.

He hasn't bought a new suit since his mission (in case anyone was wondering, that was like....5-6 years ago). Needless to say, they don't fit quite like they used to. (...I <3 you Scottie! :)

Brooks told Scott he was going through his closet and found several suits he didn't wear anymore, and gave Scott the go ahead to pick out at least two. He also gave Scott two new belts: brown and black. Woohoo!

So, without further ado....THE SHOW!

For your information:

The show must go on.

Ow ow, baby!!

Brooks acting as his "dresser"

He is just sooooo dreamy.   :-}

"Hey, there's a pen in this jacket!"

Get ready for it...

BAM!!! Except...nobody but me is allowed to check out that oh-so-cute hiney. That's why his cute bottom pictures are EXTRA large...

"I like all your parts."

This is when Laurie looks away, thinking aloud that maybe she's glad we don't live with them.
Scott's response? "I have to keep her interested somehow, Mom!"
Thank you, Brooks and Laurie, for sharing your nice things with us. It's very much appreciated.

Men always look particularly nice in suits.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Curiouser and curiouser...

I posed this question to my 6th graders when we discussed similes:

How is a raven like a writing desk? 

This is what I've been in the mood for lately, so this is what I'm currently watching: 

This is an old made for TV version from 1985. It follows both Alice in Wonderland and Through the Lookinglass. It's a movie my sisters and I grew up on; I've probably seen this one more than the Disney one because it is so much more  awesome.

I mean, check but a few characters from this cast:

John Stamos, some servant to the White King.

Carol Channing as the White Queen

Sammy D. as the Caterpillar
And.... (drum roll, please) 

Ringo Starr as the Mock Turtle
He sings a fabulous song about nonsense and how we simply can't live without it (postively true, if you ask me). 

All it took was a few minutes of this movie, seeing Alice with her drinks and cakes and cool keys...

and we were off on our own adventures.

I don't think many children pretend very well nowadays. I want my kids to be able to play with a big fridge cardboard box and a drying rack and go off to other worlds like my sisters and I used to. It's so important for kids to do that and just be kids. I am going to make my children read a lot. Though, with them being from Scott and I, I don't think we'll ever have to "make" them read.

It's kind of fun babysitting and getting to pretend with kids. I can't do it for very long, but it's a little liberating at the same time. :)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Ein Deutsches Abendessen

Raise your hand if you like food! (I am wildly waving both arms [and both legs] way, WAY up in the air.)

Scott kept bringing up the Rotkohl that my mother- and father-in-law had stashed at their house, saying we would gladly help them enjoy it. Then they had this really fabulous idea--let's have a whole German meal!

I was mostly in the way in the kitchen, since I'm not really a German-cooking pro, but I attempted to help out. I also managed to distract Scottie enough to get him to dance with me since we were listening to some polka.

Peeling the apples for Himmel und Erde

Admit it. You're jealous of the mini tarts.

Cutting mushrooms for Jaegerschnitzel

Rotkohl (YUM)

Scott frying up the bacon for the Himmel und Erde

The Schnitzel

The delicious sourdough artisan bread

Here it is, complete (starting at top left going clockwise): Nutella on bread, Jaegerschnitzel, Himmel und Erde, Rotkohl, and some green salad
Dictionary of German terms:

  • Jaegerschnitzel: Jaeger is the sauce on top. It translates to "hunter." It's made up of gravy, onions, and mushrooms. Schnitzel is a cut of meat, and we used lamb. It's also breaded. YUM.
  • Himmel und Erde: Kind of a salad. It translates to "heaven and earth." It's made up of potatoes (earth), bacon, onions, and apples (heaven).YUM.
  • Rotkohl: It means red cabbage. It's made up of red cabbage (sometimes with apple chunks). YUM.
  • Nutella: A staple at the Haderlie household, put on anything from bread to ice cream. It's hazelnut and chocolate, and there's no going wrong with it. EVER. If you've never tried it, go buy some right now. Do it.

Scott is pretty dang excited to eat this meal. I think all of us looked like this. It was so delicious. 

Thanks Mom and Dad Haderlie for feeding us so good! 

Let's do it again. ...soon.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Go to the River

I love my family. I love my sisters. We do fun things together. And I've been feeling super nostalgic lately. It's really time for me to go home (where I hope to get to make some uku-lele videos with Tee and Beth :D). Anyways, being nostalgic and such has made me go back and watch all of our home videos. We put them on DVD--huzzah!!

If you wish to watch our latest masterpiece together, please click here. Trust me, it is definitely worth 4 minutes and 16 seconds of  your day. The link will take you to my sister's blog, which you all should be reading anyways (which means most people that read my blog...yes, all like, 3 of you).

Sisters, sisters...there were never such devoted sisters.