Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week Long Bathroom Job

We bought our beautiful orange home with some major plans for renovation. It's been two years, and we're just getting around to it. It helps that now we both have jobs, though. :)
I haven't' blogged about the family room because it's not quite finished yet. Neither is our bathroom, but we worked on it long and hard and so I need to brag. A little. Even though it's not perfect. It's better than it was before.

Check it. The linoleum was all ripped. It was only...pretty ghetto.
Mom and Dad had some left over linoleum that they graciously donated to us to help our bathroom cause.
We decided to try and get our bathroom done on Labor Day--our day off (and before Scottie starts school again). We thought--oh, it's a small should only take a day, right?
Have you ever ripped up linoleum before?? Because it was the biggest pain in the REAR. We started with the white linoleum thinking that'd be it, right? Hah. Guess again! Turns out there was some seriously old linoleum underneath the white stuff. From like, the 60's. 70's. Ish. So we had to pull all that up too. And the glue. I googled "how to remove linoluem" because I thought I was going to die trying to rip it all up with a razor scraper thing.  I  got some pretty good ideas, but then I saw that several people warned people in old homes about how they used to use asbestos in the glue to put in linoleum.
I made us stop and go get those masks, just in case. But if I start suffering from lung problems in 15-20 years, I know to blame this bathroom.
Anyways, Scott worked everyday after work getting this bathroom finished. I helped a little here and there (I painted the ceiling...and that's pretty much it), but I always come home exhausted from school, so Scottie had to handle it mostly by himself. And look at how wonderful it turned out!!

So much better, right? It's still not perfect, and we already have things that we'll fix again in the next few months (turns out we totally had no clue what we were doing), but man it's so much better than it was before. I love it. Scottie is pretty wonderful for taking it on. 


  1. It looks SO good!! I know, everything always turns out to be so much more work than you'd ever expect... but the end result is fabulous! :) Great work guys! Love you Mil

  2. WOW!! It looks PHENOM!
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, please don't die of asbestos.

  3. oh my word girl! You guys are amazing! I wonder what that feels like, to actually get my house projects done. Kudos to you, it looks completely amazing and updated.

    The House of Shoes
