Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The First Sunny Day in a Month

Today is a beautiful day.


It's been grey for like, three weeks now. I was getting seriously depressed, no jokes. I mean, it's spring--what the heck, Idaho?!?!

It's still cold-ish, but at least the sun is out.

The sun is really inspiring to me. Or spring is, rather. I mean, when winter's over and the sun comes out, I wake up to birds chirping, and things start growing again, I feel like I can conquer the world.

I dislike New Years Resolutions heartily. Mah. What's the point? People go with it for a couple of weeks and then fall straight back into their old habits. I always do. But when spring comes--that's when I decide I want to change. And I really do it! I get all sorts of projects done and manage to lay around and do nothing all at once. Spring is my New Year. I think I'm going to create my own calendar, when the new year starts in April. That sounds MUCH more reasonable.

1 comment:

  1. "Once there was the sun..."
    Seriously. I agree. I think a lot of ancient cultures had their new year around this time. They knew where it was at.
