Thursday, April 2, 2015


And now we're caught up! Huzzah!


 When offered a Batman toy or a Superman toy, he picked Superman. Dad was proud.

 This right here pretty much sums up our relationship.

 Sunday afternoon nap together. 

 Someone enjoys being a little nudist.

 He also looooooooooves playing with Dad.

And now he has two top teeth as well! He's taken to grinding them, which hurts my ears. But his little teeth are so dang cute!


 So handsome! And pretty much bald on top. :)

 The cuckoo clock started to chime. He loves listening to things and is so observant.

 His teeth really starting to show!

 We have to train him while he's young. :]

 He still loves chewing on his toes.

 We were so happy when Aunt Tee came to visit. :')

 We made these sugar cookies on Valentine's Day.

 Playing "Copy Ollie's face"

 And nailing it, obviously.

 Apparently, I'm SO EXCITED.

 Tender. <3

 We "made" a date cake for Tee's birthday!

It was really lovely.