Day 3: A picture of the cast from your favorite show.
I love watching movies. And tv series count. So I doooooo have several. They are all my favorites and I love each of them for unique reasons. And because they're fabulous.
Only my favorite show since like, my freshman year of high school. This show always made me feel empowered as a woman...yeah. That's right. Plus, I was totally in love with Leo and Cole.
Oh gosh--what could NOT be said about this show?? I love it. I love the characters and the storyline...heck, I love the voice actors. (I heart Vic Micnogna!)
House. Thank goodness McKenzie introduced me to this show or I'd be lost in life. House's sarcasm and dark wit enchant me every episode. This show also brings about a new awareness in me--I'm really good at self-diagnosing (though still not so good as my sisters). I'm about 95% positive that I have lupis.
The Villain, the BFF, and Henchy.
My life is complete.
So I'm not entirely sure that our short films count as "shows," but this is definitely my favorite cast, no doubt about it. These silent films are creative, funny, and innovative--definitely worth the stress of making.