Wednesday, December 22, 2010

This is me:

Louis Habeck Photography

I chose a wedding picture because all brides are beautiful, right? Yeah. Well, I was, too.

This is my FAVORITE person in the whole world, my hubby:

Hah. Love it.

My family (my other favorite people in the world):

Louis Habeck Photography

And my other (Scott's) family, my other favorite people in the world:

Louis Habeck Photography

Over the past few days, due to my free time, I realized I'm very self-concious about two things:

1. Eyebrows.
2. My thighs.

When I was in high school, a boy told me eyebrows could make or break a girl's face. Eyebrows are so hard to handle because there's two ways to go:

Waaaaaaaaaaaay to thick, like a mountain man,


the other way. Too thin. This may be worse, because once you go too thin, there's no going back...

So please. If you care about me at all, never comment on my eyebrows.

And thighs. I know I've lost weight or whatever, but I feel like my thighs are huge no matter what my weight is. I think "Love Actually" has added to my phobia. Natalie is like, a normal-sized girl, but everyone comments on how chubby she is and how fat her thighs are. Ugh.
My worst fear (besides bad eyebrows):

I also hate blinkers that blink too fast. You know, like they're spazzing out and having a seizure? They drive me NUTS.

I'm not sure what the deal is, but I think half the drivers in Idaho think it's cool to have abnormally fast-blinking blinkers. When really, it ISN'T.

Something that I will love, always and forever, is the band Muse. To me, they are second in greatest only to The Beatles. Even then, I think I like Muse more, but The Beatles...there's no topping them.

 Someday, I WILL see Muse live, preferably in Europe. It'll happen. Someday.
 So I'm not much of a medicine person. I refuse to go to the doctor, so now I have an immune system of steel. Yes. That's right. But if there's one medicine I can't live without, it's...

 Everytime I'm sick--I don't care what I have--the Vick's comes out. It fixes all my problems.

Other lifelong love of mine: Nintendo. No, not Play Station, Not XBox, not Sega, no. Just anything and everything Nintendo. Especially :

I hate to say it but if it's Zelda, I'm obsessed. All of the games are FABULOUS, even the ones I haven't played for the different handheld Nintendos. I'm verrrrrrrrrrrrrry much looking forward to the new Zelda game coming out on the Wii next year. :D

Despite the fact that I may not be a master teacher yet, I swear it's my calling in life. Someday, I will be a master teacher. When I first thought about changing my major (from MUSIC--I'm still kinda surprised I switched) to elementary education, it kinda grossed me out. It seems like such a cop out major at BYU-I. It's what all the ladies do before they get married. :P  But not for me. I mean it. I'm not gonna lie, teaching scares the CRAP out of me because there's so much pressure and so much to do. I mean, anyone can be a mediocre teacher, but it takes a lot of skill to be a master teacher. I'll get there.

One of my newest favorite things to do is word searches. I'm not sure where it came from, but now I love them. Everytime I have a few minutes, I'll pick up my Big Book and find a few words. Now, I'm not a big racer (which Scott likes to do) because it only makes me mad, but if it's a leisurely activity I love it.

That's some pretty basic stuff about me. I'm fairly certain I covered everything I wanted to. You can be sure that I will add anything else I think necessary later.